Saturday, March 12, 2011


Rob Murray 180 by Ben Lawson

An essay on skateboarding
Are you sitting comfortably? I really, really like skateboarding. Cited by many as the single most important influence on post modern micro eco compartmentalism, spasmodically it returns to create a new passion amongst those who study its history. Inevitably feelings run deep amongst those politicaly minded individuals living in the past, many of whom blame the influence of television. Hold onto your hats as we begin a journey into skateboarding.
Social Factors
Society is a human product. Upon Peter Pinkleton-PishPosh's return to Britain he remarked 'class will refelect the inner hero' [1], he globalised an issue which had remained buried in the hearts of our ancestors for centuries. A society without skateboarding is like a society without knowledge, in that it raises the question 'why?'
When one is faced with people of today a central theme emerges - skateboarding is either adored or despised, it leaves no one undecided. Just as a dog will return to its own sick, society will return to skateboarding, again and again.
Economic Factors
The dictionary defines economics as 'the social science concerned with the production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of goods and services'. We will primarily be focusing on the Inter-Spam model of economics.

The results displayed in the graph are too clear to be ignored. Recent studies indicate that interest, ultimately decided by politicians, will always be heavily influenced by skateboarding due to its consistently high profile in the portfolio of investors. Perhaps to coin a phrase skateboardingeconomics will be the buzz word of the century
Political Factors
Politics, we all agree, is a fact of life. Comparing the electoral politics of most Western and Eastern European countries is like comparing skateboardingilisation, as it's become known, and one's own sense of morality.
To quote the star of stage and screen Francis Tuigamala 'A man must have his cake and eat it in order to justify his actions.' [2] Considered by many to be one of the 'Founding Fathers' of skateboarding, his words cannot be over-looked. Perhaps the word which sums up the importance of skateboarding to politics is 'participation'.
Since the Renaissance skateboarding has become more and more prevalent. May it continue.Conclusion
In conclusion, skateboarding has a special place in the heart of mankind. It enriches, provides financial security and is always fashionably late.
I will leave you with the words of Hollywood's Wyclef Schwarzenegger: 'Oooh yeah skateboarding shoo badaby dooo.' [3]

[1] Flankton - The Complete History - 1999 Fantastico Publishing
[2] Tuigamala - Captain Sir - 1844 Inevitable Publishing
[3] Go mad for skateboarding - Issue 132 - Kendeal Books

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